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Readers Supportive of Park Bond Debt

December 14, 2011 Economy, Parks, Politics/Policy 4 Comments
ABOVE: The Fox Park pavilion faces Shenandoah Ave

Last week more than half the readers that voted in the poll support the city taking on debt to fix our many parks:

Q: Do you support St. Louis selling bonds to fund park improvements?

  1. Yes, investing in our park infrastructure will help the city prosper! 52 [54.17%]
  2. No, the debt will be a burden on city revenues 21 [21.88%]
  3. Possibly 12 [12.5%]
  4. unsure/no opinion 6 [6.25%]
  5. Other: 5 [5.21%]

The other answers were:

  1. If we need bonds, then do a bond issue. Tax revenues are for ongoing revenue.
  2. like better parks. don’t like debt. hm?
  3. why not sell bonds to improve failed school district?
  4. No. there are at least a half dozen more pressing needs than park maintenance
  5. I support the bonds but agree with JZ71 – funding needs to be more distributed.

Time will tell if this was a good decision. Improved parks may make city neighborhoods more appealing, attracting residents, businesses and jobs. Increased revenues cover the debt. On the other hand service cuts might be needed in the future to deal with the debt payments. The original post had some spirited comments.

– Steve Patterson


Poll: Do You Support St. Louis Selling Bonds To Fund Park Improvements?

St. Louis will be selling bonds to fund improvements to the city’s park system. From STLtoday.com on Friday:

St. Louis aldermen today overwhelmingly approved a plan to issue $64 million in bonds for city parks, with about $30 million to be spent on improvements at Forest Park.

What’s not to like about better parks?

ABOVE: Forest Park

Comptroller Darlene Green isn’t happy about the city taking on more debt:

On Thursday, Green was outvoted when two related bills authorizing the funding plan passed the city’s three-person Board of Estimate and Apportionment, which also includes Mayor Francis Slay and Aldermanic President Lewis Reed. Aldermen today approved the bills by wide margins. (article)

So St. Louis will take on more debt. In a November 30th letter to the Board of Aldermen, Comptroller Green explained her concerns about paying off the debt.

ABOVE: Gravois Park is one of 100+ parks in St. Louis

This seems like a perfect subject for a weekly poll question: Do you support St. Louis selling bonds to fund park improvements? The poll is in the right sidebar, results will be posted Wednesday December 14th.

– Steve Patterson


Readers Supportive of MoDOT Tolling I-70 Between St. Louis & Kansas City

November 30, 2011 Economy, Transportation 17 Comments

In the poll last week readers supported having drivers pay tolls on I-70:

Q: Should MoDOT toll I-70?

  1. Yes, tolls are a great way to make only users pay for the road 38 [36.19%]
  2. Yes, but Missouri should also increase the state gas tax 31 [29.52%]
  3. No, once tolls start they will never end 13 [12.38%]
  4. Perhaps, need more information 10 [9.52%]
  5. Other: 8 [7.62%]
  6. No, will lead to more toll roads in MO 5 [4.76%]
  7. Unsure/No Opinion 0 [0%]

As is often the case the other answers also provide additional viewpoints:

  1. MoDot should consider more than just I-70 for tolls
  2. yes if the toll pays for removing I-70 from Downtown
  3. increase gas tax first
  4. No, we should increase the gas tax instead
  5. no, new leadership needed
  6. I like the free road, but toll roads are probably better for the environment.
  7. We need a comprehensive transportation plan that pays for transit too.
  8. Add as a poll answer
  9. OK if no new lanes

What I failed to distinguish between is who manages the tolls — MoDOT vs a private corporation.

– Steve Patterson


Patronize Local Stores on Black Friday if You’re Shopping

November 25, 2011 Economy, Featured, Parking 6 Comments

The great thing about  not having any money is I have no need to subject myself to the crowds of people trying to get a cheap flat-screen television at midnight.

ABOVE: Parking lot at The Galleria Mall on Sunday August 1, 2010

But part of me is tempted to take transit to places the The Galleria Mall just to see the vast areas of surface parking on the only day of the year that much parked is needed.

If I were shopping it wouldn’t be at a generic mall. I’d be at a locally owned store so my money would stay in the community. What are your thoughts on Black Friday & Cyber Monday?

-Steve Patterson


Readers Don’t Think the 2011 World Series Win Will Help Get Ballpark Village Built Sooner

November 9, 2011 Downtown, Economy, Planning & Design, Politics/Policy, Real Estate Comments Off on Readers Don’t Think the 2011 World Series Win Will Help Get Ballpark Village Built Sooner
ABOVE: Future site of "Ballpark Village" in July 2009

Before I get to the poll results from last week I want to ask local TV stations to stop saying they are broadcasting “live from Ballpark Village.” BPV doesn’t exist yet! The vacant site where BPV is proposed to be built certainly exists — but at this point no village exists. Cut it out, I got tired yelling at my television recently. Okay, not that I have that off my chest I can share the poll results from last  week.

  1. No 78 [56.12%]
  2. Hopefully 38 [27.34%]
  3. Maybe 12 [8.63%]
  4. Yes 7 [5.04%]
  5. Unsure/No Opinion 2 [1.44%]
  6. Other: 2 [1.44%]

The two other answers were:

  1. Yes, but at a much reduced scale
  2. It’s a nice spot for a park/gathering place. Do we need more buildings?

We need buildings because they define urban space in a downtown, we have an excess of open space.

– Steve Patterson






