St. Louis Board of Aldermen: Board Bills 37-41

A new Board Bill was introduced at last week’s Board of Aldermen meeting without being on the published agenda. A vote to suspend the rules and introduce another bill was part of the proceeding. This happened at 36 minutes into the meeting (see video).
The bill not on the agenda introduced after suspending the rules?
BOARD BILL No. 37 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN SHARON TYUS, ALDERMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON, ALDERMAN JOHN COLLINS MUHAMMAD, ALDERMAN SAMUEL MOORE, ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE, ALDERMAN DAN GUENTHER, ALDERWOMAN MEGAN GREEN An ordinance authorizing and directing the Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Director to provide to the Members of the Board of Aldermen within 30 days of this ordinance becoming law, a comprehensive list of all Confederate Statues, Confederate Memorials, Confederate Monuments, and Confederate Flags located in any of the parks owned or operated by the City of St. Louis; requiring the removal of all such Confederate Memorials, Confederate Monuments, and Confederate Flags located in any of the parks owned or operated by the City of St. Louis within 120 days of this ordinance becoming law except if they are located inside a Museum designed for the preservation of History; prohibiting the future installation or placement of Confederate Statues, Confederate Memorials, Confederate Monuments, and Confederate Flags located in any of the parks owned or operated by the City of St. Louis, except if they are located inside a Museum designed for the preservation of History; requiring the renaming of all Streets, Drives or Boulevards in any parks owned or operated by the City of St. Louis with the name of Confederate within 60 days of this ordinance becoming law; and specifically requiring Confederate Drive in Forest Park be renamed SCOTT JOPLIN DRIVE within 60 days of this ordinance becoming law; authorizing a Committee be formed, within 30 days of this ordinance becoming law consisting of the Mayor, Comptroller, President of the Board of Aldermen, Treasurer, & Chair of the Parks Committee, to raise private funds to remove all such Confederate Memorials, Confederate Monuments, and Confederate Flags located in any of the parks owned or operated by the City of S. Louis except if they are located inside a Museum designed for the preservation of History and requiring said private funds be placed in a special City account created to receive and spend the private funds raised to remove said Confederate Memorials, Monuments, and Flags and containing an emergency clause.
I’ll be posting about this bill and the confederate monument in Forest Park on Monday.
They’re meeting today instead of Friday because of Memorial Day Weekend. The following four board bills are on the agenda for introduction at today’s meeting of the St. Louis Board of Aldermen:
- B.B.#38 – Davis –An ordinance amending Ordinance # 66107 by modifying the terms of the real estate tax abatement in the 1513?23 S. Compton Ave. and 3201 ? 27 St. Vincent Ave. Redevelopment Area authorized by Ordinance # 66107.
- B.B.#39 – Boyd –An ordinance recommended by the Parking Commission making appropriation for payment of the operating expenses, capital equipment and improvement expenses, including lease purchase agreements involving Parking Division assets, and debt service expenses of the Parking Division of the Treasurer’s Office, Kiel & City Hall Parking Facilities, Information Technologies Office, Argyle Parking Facility, Chouteau Building & Parking Facility, Williams Paper Parking Facility, Central Downtown Parking Facility, Buckingham Parking Facility, Cupples Parking Facility and Justice Parking Facility for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2018, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of Fifteen Million, Five Hundred Forty Six Thousand, Three Hundred Twenty Two Dollars ($15,546,322) and containing an emergency clause.
- B.B.#40 – Vaccaro – An ordinance adding language to the City Code that will prohibit the Parking Violation Bureau from doubling a parking meter and parking violation fine if payment is received within twenty calendar days or less. If an appeal of the fine occurs, either through an administrative or state court, the fine will not double if payment is received within thirty or less calendar days.
- B.B.#41 – Ingrassia –An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for 2607 California.
The meeting begins at 10am, it can be watched online here.
— Steve Patterson