“We Are Barely Surviving”
“We are barely surviving” was the testimony of one bar owner on day one of hearings last week on Board Bill 46 to create a smoke-free St. Louis. 75% of her customers are smokers.  Her business is barely making it as it is. Take away her smoking customers and she won’t survive.
During the 3 hours I was at the hearing she was just across the aisle from me. Throughout the testimony of those speaking in favor og BB46 she’d say things like “stay home.” Her bar targets 25% of the population and is barely getting by yet she wants non-smokers to stay home. When your business is focused on a niche market but isn’t doing well, telling a bigger audience to stay home just seems like bad business.
Just as I will not step foot into an establishment that permits smoking I would imagine there is a group of smokers unwilling to go to a place were they can’t smoke indoors. I’d imagine this being around 5% of both smokers and non-smokers. Do smokers drink more than non-smokers? Perhaps but I know many non-smokers that drink plenty.
But non-smokers don’t stay home, they just go to places that are not heavily smokey. Again, I don’t go into spaces where smoking is permitted. Two places I’d like to visit again, Tuckers & Joanies, have non-smoking sections upstairs over smoking areas. Might as well make it all smoking because the air is the same. Pathetic.
Those restaurants that are viewed by smokers & non-smokers as a smoking establishment to the point that 75-90% of the customers are smokers likely will not survive when St. Louis or Missouri finally goes smoke-free. They are going to hold onto that niche clientele until they go broke (lack of non-smoking customers) or the law says smoking is no longer permitted indoors.
If more than 25% of your customers smoke indoors you need to rethink your business plan. Improve your outdoor options. Begin preparing for the day when indoor smoking in public places in St. Louis is no longer permitted. Or you can fight it and in a few years return to your old space to see what opened after your niche business closed.
The Board of Aldermen’s Heath & Human Services committee will continue hearings on BB46 at 1pm on July 9th in Room 208 in City Hall.
– Steve Patterson