Majority of Readers Excited About IKEA St. Louis Opening Soon
In the recent Sunday Poll a solid majority (68.63%) indicated — no surprise — positive feelings about IKEA opening soon. Those who were neutral outweighed the negative, 19.61% vs 11.76%.

I’ve shopped at 7 different IKEA stores over the last 25 years, always while traveling. This will be a new experience being able to go anytime I want. As rumors of the store were circling a few years ago I said, as a big box, it belonged in suburbia. I still feel that way. It lowers the bar for the redevelopment of the area. I can only hope that so many others want to locate in close proximity that everything about the IKEA is more urban than the IKEA itself.
Here are the results:
Q: How do you feel about IKEA St. Louis opening in 45 days:
- Excited 18 [35.29%]
- TIE 10 19.61%
- Somewhat excited
- Meh (Neutral)
- Very excited 7 [13.73%]
- TIE 3 [5.88%]
- Disinterested
- Very disinterested
- TIE 0 [0%]
- Somewhat disinterested
- Unsure/No Answer
Follow the various pre-Grand Opening events here.
— Steve Patterson