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Readers Strongly Disapprove of Stadium Financing Plan

December 16, 2015 Board of Aldermen, Politics/Policy No Comments

I watched quite a bit of the live stream of the Board of Aldermen special session yesterday as they debated a floor substitute version of Bill 219. Yes, the bill changed after the Sunday Poll was conducted and the BoA began yesterday morning.

More than 75% of those who voted in the non-scientific poll selected a disapprove answer. Conversely, just over 21% approve. Those who “strongly disapprove” accounted for a majority of the votes!

Q: Approve or disapprove of financing plan for a new stadium up for final vote by the Board of Aldermen on Tuesday?

  1. Strongly disapprove 37 [56.06%]
  2. Disapprove 11 [16.67%]
  3. TIE  5 [7.58%]
    1. Strongly approve
    2. Approve
  4. TIE 4 [6.06%]
    1. Somewhat approve
    2. Somewhat disapprove
  5. TIE 0 [0%]
    1. Neither approve or disapprove
    2. Unsure/No Answer

Despite opposition, the Board of Aldermen advanced the bill:

St. Louis aldermen met in a special session to consider approving the city’s share of funding for a new NFL stadium – $150 million.

The aldermen approved the bill, which will come to a final vote on Friday. (KSDK)

The 2nd special session this week will start at 3pm.

— Steve Patterson


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