Chesterfield Valley May Add Shelters At Inaccessible MetroBus Stops
I applaud Chesterfield’s continued support of pubic transportation. Last week I read about more potentially good news:
Chesterfield’s City Council on Monday night gave initial approval an cooperation agreement between the city, Metro, and the Chesterfield Valley Transportation Development District for of bus stop shelters in Chesterfield valley and in other areas of the city in which there are Metro bus routes. A final vote on the legislation is set for June 16. (stltoday)
Bus shelters are an improvement, but what about getting to/from the shelters?

I took these images in October when I checked out the area in a rental car. My conclusion was Chesterfield Valley is an ADA nightmare, taking MetroBus to shop wouldn’t be possible in a wheelchair. Given that everything was built since the big flood of 1993, it should be ADA-compliant. I checked Chesterfield’s ADA Transition Plan, there’s no mention of their responsibility in the public right-of-way.
I’d love to meet former Chesterfield Mayor & Metro President John Nations and current mayor Bob Nation at one of these MetroBus stops to have them see the challenges the transit-using public, including the able-bodied, face in navigating this area on foot.
— Steve Patterson