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Signs: Not Just For Blocking Sidewalks Anymore

February 8, 2013 Accessibility, Downtown, Featured, Walkability 7 Comments

Businesses have to attract customers to stay in business, I get that. I’ve written before about Shrinking Sidewalks where businesses place their sign directly  in the pedestrian route. Earlier this week the problem was moved to the crosswalk at 14th & Washington Ave.

ABOVE:  The sign is placed right at the point where the ramp meets the crosswalk.
ABOVE: Here you can see looking across 14th that the sign is placed directly in the way

This is the only time I’ve seen this sign in the crosswalk, later in the week it was on the sidewalk mostly out of the way. Hopefully it won’t be back in the crosswalk.

— Steve Patterson


Currently there are "7 comments" on this Article:

  1. RyleyinSTL says:

    Speaking of shrinking sidewalks…MoDot has put up an I-64 detour sign on NB Kingshighway a few meters south of Manchester on the sidewalk of the viaduct. It comes complete with sandbags insuring that no person with any mobility issues can pass safely. Who does this need to be reported too? City or State?

  2. David Frank says:

    Wow, forget being considerate. Let’s just plop it down right in the middle of the sidewalk. After all, sidewalks aren’t for people. We have a business to promote….smh.

  3. GMichaud says:

    Maybe it is a good thing the sign is in the crosswalk. It is reclaiming the street for the pedestrian. The pedestrian would have no trouble navigating around this particular sign. Look at the bulbs along Grand Ave. The sign can also be interpreted as reclaiming the street for the pedestrian. I just don’t think you can dismiss the potential design implications of movable signs to help urbanize and organize the street.


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