Though not always easy, I like to end the week on a positive note. Today’s post is positive in that something bad hasn’t happened, hopefully won’t.
June 2013: The first two buildings remain threatened with demolition. I’m not attached to them, I just want buildings not a circle driveway.Still standing…but still threatened, Massing here is better than yet another void.
The corner building, 923 Locust, didn’t always have that fake half-timber look. The second, however, is mostly original. As I’m not a preservationist, I have no problem razing one or both of these. As an urbanist, the only acceptable solution would be new buildings of equal or greater massing.
This is one reason why the Downtown Neighborhood Association is looking to add a form-based zoning overlay. I think Thursday October 8th is the date for the first public meeting on the subject. I’ll have details before then.
Over the weekend we walked down to see the progress at Luther Ely Smith Square, and the Arch. before heading back to our loft we went out on the pedestrian walkway of the Eads Bridge.
Laclede’s Landing building that lost pare of a wall last monthLooking out where the Arch garage used to beWith the Arch in the backgroundLooking back toward downtownThe wall/lookout (left) conceals the train tracks, part of the historic landscape design .Work continues on the North end of Lenore K. Sullivan — raising it was delayed by flooding.The South end has already been raised about 4 feet.Again, looking back toward downtownNote sure what this was about on the Eads, presumably something to do with the restoration work going on below the top deck
Next nice day we have I’d encourage you to go for a walk on the Eads. Over the next year the view below will change dramatically.
Now that I’ve lived in St. Louis for more than a quarter century, I’m realizing history is starting to repeat itself. When I moved to St. Louis, we had no NFL team, a couple of years earlier the Football Cardinals moved from St. Louis to Phoenix. I didn’t care. My 5 years of undergraduate studies at the football-obsessed University of Oklahoma didn’t convert me into a fan of the game. Upon moving here I saw locals depressed about the loss of the Football Cardinals — a team that originated in Chicago.
I watched as we built an expensive new stadium in the hopes of getting an expansion team:
Charlotte was awarded the first franchise – the Carolina Panthers – in October 1993. Surprisingly, the naming of the second expansion city was delayed a month. Most pundits speculated that the delay was made to allow St. Louis to shore up its bid. At the time, St. Louis was considered the favorite for the second franchise, with Baltimore’s three bids also considered strong. However, in a surprising move, the NFL owners voted 26–2 in favor of awarding the 30th franchise to Jacksonville. (Wikipedia)
The collective civic spirit sank. And what to do with a brand new dome?
The current home of the St. Louis Rams was built in a failed big to get an NFL expansion team,
During the 1994 season Georgia Frontiere, the owner of the Los Angeles Rams, was having trouble finding a new stadium for her team as the city of Los Angeles and the surrounding area was not willing to have taxpayer money pay for it. At the time, the Rams were playing in Anaheim Stadium, to which the team had moved in 1980 from the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum and which had required a massive reconstruction in order for the Rams to be able to play in what was originally only intended to be a home for the California Angels. Frontiere, who inherited control of the team following the death of her husband Carroll Rosenbloom in 1979, decided that relocation was the only option and initially considered Baltimore, the city where her husband originally owned the Colts before he traded ownership of the team with Robert Irsay, before deciding on St. Louis as the domed stadium that was originally intended for the stillborn Stallions franchise was nearing completion. The NFL initially was unwilling to allow the move out of Los Angeles, and in fact had voted to reject it, but acquiesced after Frontiere threatened to sue the league. The Rams played their first few home games in Busch Stadium until their new home, which became known as the Trans World Dome, opened on November 12 with a game against the expansion Panthers. (Wikipedia)
To save the political embarrassment of having a costly new facility sitting idle our leaders gave Frontiere a sweet deal to get her to move the team — we guaranteed the new dome would remain in the top 25% of all NFL stadiums at 10 & 20 year marks, on a 30 year agreement. The Rams let us pass at 10 years but at the 20 year point new owner Stan Kroenke opted to go year to year, allowed per the original agreement.
No politician wants to lose, on their watch, a major corporation, sports franchise, etc. Nor do they want a facility costing hundreds of millions sitting empty. Just imagine if we hadn’t lured the Rams here two decades ago — the political fallout would’ve been huge.
Now politicians and our civic leaders are scrambling to cover their asses, allowing them to say they did everything they could to keep the Rams here. I know people get attached to sports teams, but any benefits we receive don’t remotely offset the costs. Not even close.
Giving professional sports owners many, many millions in taxpayer money to build new stadiums has never made sense, but it keeps happening.
Most of us understand this is a scam. Studies have argued repeatedly that there’s no real economic impact from a new stadium. There’s no real economic impact on a city, county or state, that is. The economic impact for a pro sports owner is very real. (Yahoo! Sports)
John Oliver explained it well recently, this is almost 20 minutes but worth it:
Owners of professional sport teams have successfully manipulated region after region to get taxpayers to fund new facilities.
Taxpayers have spent nearly $3 billion on the 16 stadiums that will host NFL games during the season’s opening weekend, according to figures in a new analysis from the Taxpayers Protection Alliance, a Washington, D.C-based conservative nonprofit group.
All told, 29 of the NFL’s 31 stadiums have received public funds for construction or renovation. In the last two decades, the analysis found, taxpayers across the country have spent nearly $7 billion on stadiums for a league that surpassed $10 billion in revenue last season. (Huffington Post: Taxpayers Have Spent A ‘Staggering’ Amount Of Money On NFL Stadiums)
I’m in favor of using tax revenue to boost our region & economy — a stadium isn’t the best use of a billion dollars.
“Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.” — Edmund Burke
It’s depressing that St. Louis is falling for this again…but I’ve lived here long enough I shouldn’t be surprised.
Looking north on 11thThe 11th Street side is now free of the barriers.But the 11th Street entry isn’t open to the public.Looking East on Clark — again no more barriers
From October 2011:
The Thomas F. Eagleton Courthouse downtown suffered extensive flooding due to a burst pipe in August. Since then, demolition and debris removal have been completed, leading up to the repair and reconstruction phase, which is set to begin. The repairs have been budgeted to cost taxpayers close to $10 million.
Approximately 8,000 gallons of water poured down 17 of the buildings’ 29 floors, damaging 10 courtrooms. The 1.3 million-square-foot building opened 11 years ago. Court proceedings have not been delayed due to the flooding as many judges are sharing spaces in other areas throughout the building. (Flood damage repair to cost federal courthouse $10 million)
Fifteen years later the half block decorative park to the East remains largely unused — but I’m sure the judges like seeing it from their chambers.
September 8, 2015Downtown, Featured, ParkingComments Off on 10th & Olive Parking Lot Loses One Entry; Fence Gains Height, Gate
It’s rare to see an owner of one of downtown’s many surface parking lots spend money making improvements, but for nearly a month now that has been the case at 10th & Olive.
Small private parking lot, 10th & Olive, provides parking for commercial spaces in two nearby buildings. 2013 photo.On August 12th I noticed work being done on the surface — it had been very uneven and not maintained. .By September 1st the iron fence was now taller. The 10th St entranced was now closed off.By September 4th they’d cut a pedestrian opening, The Olive St entry will be getting a gate so people needed a pedestrian route to get in/out.
Ideally, at some point in the future, this corner will once again have a multi-story building. In the meantime, these changes are welcomed — especially closing off the 10th Street entrance. Would be nice to see one additional on-street parking space added where the driveway was.
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