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1949: Old White Water Tower Lights Turned Back On

September 22, 2011 Featured, History/Preservation, North City 2 Comments

Sixty-two years ago the city lit up the old white water tower on Grand.

ABOVE: The Old White Water Tower, looking south on 20th Street

From St. Louis Day By Day by Frances Hurd Stadler:

September 22, 1949
The lights went on again at the old water tower on North Grand Boulevard as thousands watched and a band played the national anthem. The tall, white Corinthian column, which had been dark through all World War II, was illuminated when Mayor Joseph M. Darst threw a switch. Designed by architect George I. Barnett and completed in 1871, the tower furnished water for the north St. Louis area until 1912, when it was abandoned for newer technology.

I need to visit some evening to get night photos — assuming the lights at the base are in working order. If only I could sit at a sidewalk cafe to wait for just the right moment to take the pictures.

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "2 comments" on this Article:

  1. Eric says:

    The tower isn’t very white anymore. Why don’t they paint it?

  2. Eric says:

    The tower isn’t very white anymore. Why don’t they paint it?


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