ABOVE: New driveway to Park bisects the public sidewalk without ADA ramps. March 2012.
The update to that post was this:
This will get fixed as part of a project titled 8496 BROADWAY & 7TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS (PARK AVENUE TO I-55 OVERPASS),FEDERAL PROJECT STP-5422(612), ST. LOUIS, MO : that will have a pre-construction conference on March 7th. Still, this shows clear lack of oversight on the part of inspectors to allow something like this to get built in the first place.
As the city told me, the began right away. I still haven’t visited since the work is just wrapping up, but I’ve been watching as I pass by on the bus.
ABOVE: Extensive work has been done in the 7th/Park/Broadway area, still ongoing in September 2012. Click image to view in Google Maps.
Once construction has finished I’ll visit the area and take a critical look at the finished product.
Last month riding on the bus I noticed a pedestrian problem and managed to get a good picture. I emailed the pic to Director of Streets Todd Waeltermann and Board of Public Service (BPS) President Rich Bradley to show them the problem. They quickly saw the problem but told me this was MoDOT, not the city’s doing. Thankfully they contacted the appropriate person at MoDOT and got it fixed within a week.
ABOVE: Picture of impossible to reach pedestrian signal buttons taken on a passing MetroBus on August 6th, 2012. Click the image to view Compton & Chouteau in Google Maps.ABOVE: The two buttons can now be reached easily. The second arrow shows the previous location.
At the end of August I was in the area so I stopped by and checked it out. Yes, I’m now able to reach the buttons to cross both Compton & Chouteau. Thanks Todd & Rich for alerting MoDOT about their error!
At some point I need to devote a whole post to how these islands are being designed now. Used to be a ramp got you up to the curb-high surface, you crossed, then down another ramp. These had flaws and the new way creates a nice level surface. It hasn’t happened to me yet but I can see problems when I encounter someone else in a wheelchair/scooter or even just pushing a baby stroller. Despite having room, there’s never a place for one to move out of the way for another to pass.
Before you dismiss this concern know that I often see other users of mobility devices when I’m out and about. As Baby Boomers age I’ll see more and more. Food for thought.
Based on comments on Monday’s post (Walking To The “Flagship” Dierbergs & Schnucks Locations In Des Peres, MO) many of you think the auto-centric suburbs will never be walkable. Well, you’re wrong. They’ll likely never be ideal urban settings but they can be retrofitted to enable people to function without having to drive. This is important because we need to walk more:
There is a growing recognition that Americans must increase physical activity, including walking or bicycling, if we are to nudge the needle on ballooning health care costs, reducing obesity and overweight, cardiovascular and other chronic illnesses linked to a lack of exercise. Over the last decade, a growing number of communities have gotten the message, and begun to retrofit their more dangerous roadways to be safer for people on foot, on bicycles and in cars.
Still, most Americans continue to live in places where walking is risky business for their health and safety, where roads are designed solely to move speeding traffic and where pedestrians are viewed as an obstacle.
This has left us with a dilemma: Public health officials encourage Americans of all ages to walk and bike more to stem the costly and deadly obesity epidemic – yet many of our streets are simply not safe. Americans get to pick their poison: less exercise and poor health, or walking on roads where more than 47,000 people have died in the last ten years. (Dangerous by Design 2011)
Des Peres and other St. Louis suburbs have had sidewalks along major roads for years, yet few pedestrians. The lack of connection from the public sidewalk to the businesses set back behind parking lots has been a major hurdle. When these older commercial buildings are retrofitted or replaced we have the opportunity to make incremental improvements to improve the walkability. For example, the location of the old Schnucks grocery in Des Peres.
Schnucks was there for over 40 years but, like the new location, it didn’t have any pedestrian route to the store. Now the building has a new facade and two new retailers and a pedestrian access route.
ABOVE: An auto entrance to the former Schnucks in Des PeresABOVE: In the reuse of the vacant grocery store, a sidewalk was added to so pedestrians had an access route.ABOVE: The new pedestrian access route gives pedestrians a safe way to get from the public sidewalk to the businesses.ABOVE: A crosswalk is provided where the access route crosses the auto drive.ABOVE: The view looking south toward Manchester Rd. at Lindeman Rd.ABOVE: Pedestrians have a route to the new free-standing fast food restaurant on the property.
This is not great urbanism, nor is it my idea of walkable. But, I was able to easily get to the businesses without feeling like I might get hit by a careless motorist. It’s incrementally more walkable than it’s been for the over four decades. Walkability doesn’t happen overnight. Des Peres will not become a great walkable community by 2014, but it might by 2032.
I’ve posted the following video before but it’s worth watching over and over. Ellen Dunham-Jones shows us ways to retrofit the suburban sprawl few like but that many call home. Well worth 20 minutes of your time.
Continuing with a laissez-faire development strategy will, however, guarantee Des Peres and similar suburbs won’t be much different in 20 years. In 20 years the marketplace will pass up suburbs that require an automobile to function. Within the next two decades those communities where various modes of mobility are embraced will be the desirable “location, location, location” places. This includes walking, biking transit and yes, driving.
The city’s efforts to address concerns raised by neighbors of Larry Rice’s New Life Evangelistic Center (NLEC), a homeless shelter, took a new twist recently.
Thursday morning [9/6], the city cleaned the streets and sidewalks and set up barricades on sidewalks, where large groups of homeless people have been camping. (KMOV: City moves up clean-up schedule downtown)
Below are a couple of pics I took that afternoon:
ABOVE: A person is walking on Locust St because the city has closed off the sidewalks around Larry Rice’s New Life Evangelistic Center (NLEC) to prevent the homeless from sleeping on the public sidewalks overnight.ABOVE: The city cites “health and safety reasons” for closing the sidewalks.
I posted the second pic to the UrbanReviewSTL Facebook page (link) and many comments came in — some glad the city finally took action and others defending Larry Rice and asking where the homeless are supposed to sleep with Lucas Park closed for renovations and now the sidewalks outside Rice’s shelter closed.
Given the divergent views on Facebook I knew this would make a good poll topic. The poll is in the right sidebar, the provided answers are presented in a random order.
ABOVE: In February 2012 access to the St. Louis Bread Co. at 6607 Chippewa from the public sidewalk required going up steps.
I contacted and company and met with District Manager Chris Harre onsite on my birthday, February 28th. On May 1st a building permit application was filed with the city to build an accessible ramp at an estimated cost of $5,000.
When I visited the site late last month workers were still finishing up final details.
ABOVE: A switchback ramp was fitted into an area previously plantedABOVE: The view of the ramp from the westABOVE: View from the top of the ramp. The triangular wedge between the upper & lower sections of the ramp will contain plants.ABOVE: The new ramp is highly visible, says all pedestrians welcome here.
I appreciate that Panera acted quickly once I pointed out the accessibility problem, if only other companies would do the same. Special thanks to District Manager Chris Harre.
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