STL Downtown Multimodal Study Engagement Week Begins Today

Today kicks off a week of events, from the Facebook Event page:
You’re invited to join the City of St. Louis as we talk about the future of our Downtown transportation system. Join any of these half-day workshops. We hope you are able to attend and take part in the discussion!
The week includes 8 half-day workshops scheduled around various topics. Please review the engagement week flyer pictured for more information about the schedule breakdown. Each workshop consists of different activities to gain feedback important to the study.
Walkabouts in Downtown will take place periodically throughout the engagement week. If you have an interest in participating in this portion, please contact Jacque at
For more information contact Jacqueline Ann (Jacque Lumsden) at (CBB Transportation Engineers + Planners) or at (314) 449 – 9565.
City of St. Louis Project Manager: Dan Buschmeyer, Board of Public Service.
The schedule is as follows:
- Monday 9/18
- Morning: bike
- Afternoon: pedestrian
- Evening: general session
- Tuesday 9/19
- Morning: event traffic management/traffic
- Afternoon:parking
- Wednesday 9/20
- Morning: transit
- Afternoon: technology
- Thursday 0/21
- Morning: hot spot locations
- Afternoon: policy issues (freight/travel demand/curbside issues)
All will take place in the 1st floor boardroom at 1520 Market. Foe more specifics see the Facebook Event page.
— Steve Patterson