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Fold & Staple Party Thursday

February 1, 2005 25th Ward 1 Comment

I’m having a “Fold & Staple” party Thursday 2/3/05 (7pm-9pm) to get my signs ready for placement in yards. If you would like to volunteer to help with this task or many others please send me an email or call my cell phone 314-479-5023.

– Steve


Moving up the endorsement vote

February 1, 2005 25th Ward Comments Off on Moving up the endorsement vote

Apparently the Mayor’s campaign team has asked our ward committee to move up our endorsement meeting from February 24th. Something to do with a printing deadline for literature. Whatever…

So the committeeman & committeewoman are trying to see if they can get a space in the week before our scheduled meeting date & time.


“How high?”

Right now they are looking at Tuesday the 15th or Wednesday the 16th. I should know tomorrow. The good news is that will move up the date that I can proudly proclaim the old guard establishment has NOT endorsed me! And that, as Martha would say, is a good thing.

Stay tuned…

– Steve


Ward Endorsements

January 27, 2005 25th Ward 2 Comments

Tonight was the monthly meeting of the 25th Ward Regular Democratic Club – the ward club that I have been a member of since last summer. Tonight wasn’t our ward endorsement meeting – that will be next month on February 24th.

Tonight we heard from various elected officials including state reps Jeanette Mott Oxford, Mike Daus and Tom Villa. Comptroller Darlene Green paid us a visit campaigning even though she is unopposed and we also had Mayor Francis Slay,

My opponent Dorothy Kirner spoke and she was gracious enough to introduce me so I could say a few words. We will both get a chance to speak next month immediately prior to the endorsement vote. But from the looks of things on the street you’d think the ward committee has already voted to endorse the incumbent:


Ward-owned signs supporting Dorothy Kirner, used last year when challenging Republican Francis Wildhaber, can be spotted within the ward. To me this gives the false impression the ward has endorsed her in this coming election cycle. 25th Ward Committeeman Norman Sutterer disagrees – arguing the signs do not constitute an endorsement by the ward. Of course, he is also the Treasurer of her election committee so I really didn’t expect him to agree with me.

[Updated 2/10/2005: Note – as of a filing postmarked 1/26/2005 and received by the Missouri Ethics Commission on 1/28/2005 Norman Sutterer was replaced as Kirner’s campaign Treasurer by Martin Kirner. This posting was dated 1/27/2005 so I was still correct and they made their change prior to me posting my comments. – Steve]

If having ward signs out doesn’t constitute endorsement then I’m not sure what they’ll do once we actually have the endorsement vote on February 24th. A parade?

I had hoped we’d go into the election on a level playing field – operating by the same rules. But I’m OK with the way things are because I know my message of fresh ideas, youthful energy and a revitalized ward will triumph in the end. Also, my signs are on order – here is a sneak peak:

Remember the dates, register to vote by February 9th, Ward “endorsement” meeting on February 24th and primary election on March 8, 2005.

– Steve


St. Cecilia – On the Archdiocese’s List of Parishes to be Closed…

January 26, 2005 25th Ward 2 Comments

Most of my entries I ramble on and on about urbanity, connection to neighborhood and such. I’m not going to do that today. Instead I’m going to let the pictures do the speaking:














I consider one of the parishioners, a 91-year old woman, to be a surrogate grandmother since I no longer have any living grandparents. She was nearly in tears today as I saw the beauty of the church her ancestors helped build. Such beauty is rare and once lost will never be duplicated.

– Steve


Uncommon Thinking

January 25, 2005 25th Ward Comments Off on Uncommon Thinking

For a good look at my thought process on development projects take a look at my recent post on Urban Review – St. Louis about the proposed Loughborough Commons.

– Steve






