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Sunday Poll: Should We Continue With The North Riverfront Stadium Plan?

January 17, 2016 Downtown, Featured, Sunday Poll 4 Comments
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The Rams are returning to Los Angeles, but a lot of effort — and $16 million dollars — has gone into planning a new stadium on the North Riverfront.

Now what?

The poll is open until 8pm.

— Steve Patterson


Currently there are "4 comments" on this Article:

  1. gmichaud says:

    I’m not clear, are you asking if we should go ahead and build a football stadium, build any stadium or are you asking should we continue planning discussions?

  2. RyleyinSTL says:

    Perhaps the State and parties involved could redirect the 1 billion they were going to blow on this project and we could use it to rehab, restore, redevelop and revitalize the ENTIRE North City.

    • Greg says:

      Ryley – The problem with your logic is that the vast majority of the stadium cost came from the NFL, the team owner, stadium naming rights and personal seat licenses… money which is not available for any other purpose.

      • JZ71 says:

        There’s still several HUNDRED MILLION dollars “on the table”, from the “public” side . . . and I know it’s wishful thinking (to spend it as Ryley suggests), but our regional priorities seem to be skewed more toward keeping suburban sports fans happy than in investing in city neighborhoods, citywide. Addressing multiple, mundane, small “issues” and “problems” would do much more to improve life in St. Louis than investing a billion dollars of ANYBODY’s money in a little used temple to the NFL (or any other pro sports team)!


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