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Readers: Keep Central Express Open

January 16, 2013 Downtown, Education 4 Comments
ABOVE: Interior of the Central Express library in the Old Post Office
ABOVE: Interior of the Central Express library in the Old Post Office

Despite being just four blocks east of the newly renovated Central Library, a majority of readers think the Central Express located in the Old Post Office should remain open:

Q: Should The “Express” Library In The Old Post Office Be Closed?

  1. No, keep it open 58 [54.21%]
  2. Yes, when the existing lease expires 26 [24.3%]
  3. Unsure/no opinion 14 [13.08%]
  4. Yes, immediately 7 [6.54%]
  5. Other: 2 [1.87%]

The two other answers were:

  1. yes, after a new tenant can be found, NLT 1 year
  2. How many patrons use the Express daily? What’s it cost to keep it open?

Given the perceived barrier of crossing Tucker I can see an advantage of an express location to server the central business district.

I think the library should compare usage in 2013 to 2012 to see any changes following the reopening of Central.  Once the lease is up I could see the express location moving further east so it is closer to more office workers.

— Steve Patterson


Currently there are "4 comments" on this Article:

  1. JZ71 says:

    Are office workers its primary users now? Or is it more students and nearby residents? My gut feeling is the latter, and if so, moving east may not be the best answer.

    • That’s why the library needs to study usage now that Central has reopened.

    • Guest says:

      I generally see transient folks in there sitting. On cold days every seat in the library is occupied by noon. I’m guessing the homeless and/or jobless make up a large portion.

    • backprop says:

      I generally see folks in there sitting. On cold days every
      seat in the library is occupied by noon. I’m guessing the homeless
      and/or jobless make up a large portion.


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