Never Know What You’ll See Out The Bus Window
One of the great things about riding the bus is being able to observe the city as you pass through it…

…and being able to photograph something that strike’s you as odd. A military truck parked on a pill of dirt/rocks is such an example.
This site had a building on it as recently as 1971, verified via That spot where the truck is parked was vacant in 1909 but buildings existed to the left and right. The building in the background was already there, it was Brown Shoe’s “Blue Ribbon factory”, via Sanborn maps.
The NW corner of the vacant Pruitt-Igoe site is across the street.
— Steve Patterson
Photo Caption: The new NRA school is now open for early enrollment. ROTC in the morning, noon and during evening hours. Shooting range on campus. Oh and we have a big Camo bus that seats 2 up front and as many as don’t fall off the back!
B (and Steve): I have seen drawings for a suburban HS which indicated a shooting range in a space above the gymnasium. (In another set of documents the same space was referred to as the “reform gymnasium,” which sounds like someplace I would never want yo experience!) i don’t recall the vintage on the shooting range set, but the HS abutted and later replaced an armoury building so I assumed there was a relationship. Building was c.1915 so perhaps a WWI idea.