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A Quick Look At Baden’s Commercial Area

April 23, 2011 North City 2 Comments
ABOVE: "Willkommen to Baden" sign on North Broadway

Baden is a neighborhood in far North St. Louis, it was a separate municipality prior to 1876.

ABOVE: Baden's commercial district along North Broadway (aka N 3rd St)

Last December I was in Baden and snapped a few pics as I drove through the area.  I seldom go to Baden but I can’t help but smile each time I do, the scale of the buildings is so nice.

ABOVE: Baden's commercial district along North Broadway

I have no clue how well the area is doing these days. Will need to spend more time in the area to better understand it.

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "2 comments" on this Article:

  1. Christian says:

    Steve, I have a copy of the Badenfest 1973 Cookbook if you would like to borrow it as part of your study of the area, though it’s heavy on the sauerkraut and pork chops. It seems that the Badenfest was held every year at one time and judging from photos, was once a very popular event. The cookbook features a photo of a large, German oompah brass band in the middle of Broadway, surrounded by a vast crowd with many people garbed in festive Teutonic attire.

  2. Christian says:

    Steve, I have a copy of the Badenfest 1973 Cookbook if you would like to borrow it as part of your study of the area, though it’s heavy on the sauerkraut and pork chops. It seems that the Badenfest was held every year at one time and judging from photos, was once a very popular event. The cookbook features a photo of a large, German oompah brass band in the middle of Broadway, surrounded by a vast crowd with many people garbed in festive Teutonic attire.


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