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Herod Posts Comparison Chart Between Self and McMillan

October 2, 2006 Politics/Policy 18 Comments

The Herod for License Collector camp are adding more content to their website located at www.patrickherod.com. One page is a Comparison between the two candidates where Herod details his two degrees from St. Louis University, his military experience, work as a union laborer and as a small business owner in the city of St. Louis.

Note: I have been retained by the Committee to Elect Pat Herod as an occasional consultant and to host their website. However, I did not prepare any of the materials on the website. This is not a paid message.


Currently there are "18 comments" on this Article:

  1. used to know Mike says:

    I’m pretty sure Mr. McMillan received a degree from Saint Louis University. Pat should refrain from posting a “comparison chart” when all the comparative data isn’t complete.

  2. Yes, Mike recieved his degree from SLU and was committeeman before he graduated.

    I agree a complete comparison would be fair as this could imply he has no degree.

  3. Still Knows Mike says:

    Why doesn’t he put it on his website? People know that he attended SLU, but did he actually graduate is another question.

  4. travis reems says:

    Not only is it misleading to put question marks to information that is so easily obtained, but the whole chart is misleading if the question is who has the most relevant experience in holding the people’s trust to run their government.

    In his tenure as the 19th ward’s Alderman, Mike McMillan has overseen $1.2 BILLION in development. The kind of development our City needs–cancer research institutes, schools for our children and recreational development that attracts convention and vacation dollars from outside the city.

    What does this all mean? Jobs for St. Louisans. Taxes for our schools, roads, police and fire protection.

    What is most missing from the chart is the lack of knowledge the other candidate has for the office for which he is running. The other candidate wants to not collect license taxes from businesses. First, that is not at the discretion of the position. More importantly, those taxes fund the vital services provided to us by our City. The other candidate hasn’t a clue about the position, and we cannot afford to let him conduct on-the-job training experiments. The question marks are just the beginning of what that candidate does not know.

    We need a License Collector that can hit the ground running. We need License Collector that will bring new efficiencies to the office and build on the advances made by his predecessor. We need a License Collector like Mike McMillan.

    [UR – Funny how you argue for McMillan because he is a career politician yet you are working for a candidate in the county that, like Herod, has a wealth of experience outside of the legislative arena and is challenging someone more established. So which is it?

    And, if the information is so “easily obtained” why don’t you sent me the link? Maybe it isn’t so easy after all?

  5. Brown Noser says:

    Travis, how is it possible to put one nose up so many asses?

  6. Jim says:

    Travis’s comments really sound like a typical political ad. I see that as a fine career path for Mr. Reems.

    I’m hoping for a YouTube link complete with Mike McMillan frolicking with people of all creeds and colors, children, and plenty of puppies.

  7. Southside Hamburglar says:

    Steven Patterson!

    DO NOT insult my friend in scandal Travis Reems!

    There are many benefits which come from working with the establishment!

    My new McDonald’s (maybe) on S. Grand is a key example of my partnership with Jennifer. Let me assure you that it has been most productive.

    Travis is simply smarter than you Steven! Mr. Development is better to work with than against!

    Before long you might find me on your front lawn stealing your scooter and issuing an edict of eminent domain on your home! Pretty soon your wonderful home will be the new location for a meat packing warehouse! It will have plenty of parking too!

    HA HA HA!

    Southside Hamburglar

  8. oakland says:

    While that site includes a “comparison” between himself and his opponent, with missing information, nowhere on his site does it detail what his plans for the office are. Whether you like him or not, McMillian at least has that in a prominent location.

    Perhaps that platform would belong in the “Pat’s Promise” section, but clicking that leads you nowhere.

  9. josh wiese says:

    Maybe I’m misunderstanding the thread here but if folks are suggesting that Herod would be a good fit because he has NO experince in politics then thats crazy. I think there is a huge difference from running your own business to becoming licensce collector for a city of 300,000 people. McMillan has done quite a bit as Alderman and though some folks here seem to bemoan the idea of urban development, I think Mike’s record stands on it’s own merits.

    This all gets back to what type of city do you want. Steve had a great thread about this awhile back.- a good discussion on the kind of city st.louis can become- and that means what kind of politicans you want elected.

    (Nice write Travis- now you understand what I do all freakin day plus imagine said candidate screaming at you because he didnt see his commercial before the cards game..uggghh)

    [UR – So we are to believe that without McMillan at the helm in the 19th Ward none of that developement would have gotten built? Biondi would have just decided not to construct anything at all? I seriously doubt that. Aldermen make deals and get dumpsters replaced whereas a person in charge of an office must lead a large staff —- something a career alderman has never done. On the other hand, Herod has commanded people as an officer in the military. I believe we need more people in government with a wide range of experience rather than more that know nothing besides how the political establishment in this town has always done things — how do we get any fresh thinking if we keep electing folks from the same mold?]

  10. travis reems says:


    If only I got paid for the … stuff … I take from these conspiracy nuts for defending a candidate I truly believe in.

    [UR – What conspiracy? I’m suggesting you are inconsistent and a hypocrite. Proven leadership is great for McMillan but in another race change to someone with no political experience is good?

  11. Jake says:


    You still haven’t come with the proof that is so easy to get to. The question on the table is did McMillan graduate from college?

    To all other voters,

    Does being an alderman make you the almighty of every political office. We all know that McMillan could care less about being a License Collector. He is just using this as a stepping stone for ANOTHER political office. I will vote for the guy who has an abundance of different experiences and will be dedicated to the office.

    [UR – This is the problem with people like Travis that blindly defend someone and claim others are misleading by not knowing something as simple as a degree. I’m pretty tech savvy yet I was unable to find any reference to McMillan’s degree.

    We know that Gregg Daly has a “bachelorÂ’s degree from Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas.” Ald. Matt Villa has a “BS degree in business administration from St. Louis Univ.”, Ald Jeffrey Boyd “earned a BS degree from Columbia Missouri College and an MBA from Fontbonne University.” Bennice Jones-King has a “BS degree in psychology and criminal justice from Northeast Mo (now Truman State) Univ.”

    Still others such as Ald. Frank Williamson do not appear to have a degree but talk about their experience, Williamson “attended Forest Park Community College and served three years in the US Army as a CommunicationÂ’s Specialist.” Ald. April Ford-Griffin “is currently completing studies at Harris-Stowe State College in the field of education.” Dionne Flowers, “has attended the University of Nevada-Las Vegas and the University of Missouri-Columbia.”

    Many aldermen have outside experiences they bring to the table. Lyda Krewson is a CFO for an architectural firm. Ald. Conway is an accountant. Ald. Villa is an officer is his family’s successful lighting business. Ald. Schmid is an attorney by education although no longer practicing. President Shrewsbury is an attorney. Ald. Flowers is a licensed barber. Two Aldermen own and operate local bars (Ortman & Vollmer). A number of Aldermen have military experience. Ald. Carter has a “BachelorÂ’s Degree in Business and Marketing” and is a 22-year employee of UPS and he operate a UPS store.]

  12. josh wiese says:


    Biondi would NOT have gotten a few of his projects done without the aide of the alderman. Though Larry does like to think of himself as king shit of fuck mountain, he still needs the city’s help with development.

    Alderman do alot more than get dumpsters and crappy development for their area’s. Good ones (and I think there are just a few to be honest) are able to help their residents and spur long term economic development. That means working side by side with the city agencies on a daily basis as well as the local business community. Is that the kind of experince we dont want?
    Thats almost like saying that hiring an outside consultant firm for the city schools is much better because they bring “new ideas” to the table. Remember how well that did? The idea that electing people with no prior political experince within the confines of the city machines means that we are essentially dismantling the entire process in order to start from scratch. If you want to start with a clean slate put forth better candidates who have the money and the ideas to get across to voters. Dont give me guys who can rage against the machine. They always fall flat on their faces and they do more harm than good – or worst yet they turn into career politicians like the ones that you loathe

    My guess is that we will have to just disagree on this one.

    [UR Yes, we may have to agree to disagree. However, I fail to see how someone who is basically a city-hall tour guide for developers is necessarily equipped to assume responsibility for a complete office staff. And nothing is more convoluted than the military — it would appear to me that Herod is actually the one more qualified to lead an office of people than McMillan. Furthermore, do big money development projects fail because an aldermen didn’t hold their hand right going to the building department or a committee hearing? Doubtful.

    The development we are talking about here is as much a product of lucky ward boundaries as political skill.

  13. Douglas Duckworth says:


    What is your take on the progressive reform movement? They certainly were going against the political machine.

    Citizens are supposed to sit back and let business operate as usual? We are supposed to ignore the problems if only for the purpose of preserving the status quo?

    Missouri is far to traditionalist. The reason these reformers fail is because:

    1. The electorate is apathetic
    2. There is not a strong reform movement…anywhere
    3. One reform candidate can’t do much good alone

    A slate of these ‘radical reform candidates’ could get a lot done as they could not be easily ignored.

  14. Unreformed says:

    Steve, Doug, and Josh:

    One only need read the story at Pub Def re. the rise of Kacie Starr Triplett to see how the machine works in St. Louis.

    Starr May Rise in the 6th?

    or cut and paste:


    Kacie appears to be well qualified-and politically connected.

    Her rise to political power gives her the inside track over any “progressive reformers”.

    [UR – Yes, the machine is already hard at work to find Reed’s replacement in the event he does seek to become the President of the Board of Aldermen. Kacie is indeed very bright and qualified although I haven’t talked with her enough to know if she’d be a good urban candidate. She may be too connected for my taste but I’m willing to keep an open mind to any and all saying they will run for the office.]

  15. josh wiese says:


    Running an office aint rocket science- Ive run offices before as well as stores with ten people and I sure as hell am not qualified. The quality of leadership is not solely dependent on their past experiences.

    Big money projects move ahead quicker because alderman help it breeze past “cumbersome” city obstacles.


    Voters are apathetic plain and simple. It would take some huge oversight by a politician to get ousted and it would take all of them in order for a progressive candidates to overtake city hall.

    Are we suppossed to sit back and take it? take what? are you being taxed out of the city? can you honestly tell me that that things are worse off for you and your neighbors?

    To be perfectly honest the progressive candidate that I would vote for is someone who is part of the machine but holds them at a distance enough to be their own person. Getting elected in this city takes more than offering new progressive ideas- it takes alot of money, connections, and hard work. Its a helluva straddle that you have to do but I think it can be done.

    The machine? that machine is gonna die if they dont get some young blood in there by the by.

  16. Patterson Sycophant says:

    Josh, I believe the answer to your question to Doug about him being worse off for him and his neighbors is yes. I believe Doug is a renter and his rent has probably gone up in the last few years. As for your point about the machine dying off, if you stop by the coordinated campaign headquarters you would know that that is true. There is almost no establishment presence there. If the “progressives” on this blog wanted to make a name for themselves, they would volunteer now and start actually meeting voters instead of mocking their votes.

  17. Howard says:

    Given his degrees and military experience, was Herod involved in the Vietnam-era cloud seeding program off the U.S. coast?

    Given his plans to move License Collector services over to Revenue Collector, does Herod plan on going thru the Lege to change the Chapter 52 & 82 RSMo Revenue Collector and License Collector statutes or does he plan on personally sponsoring an initiative petition drive and ballot campaign for several charter amendments?

  18. Velvet says:

    “Many aldermen have outside experiences they bring to the table.”

    UR or anyone for that matter. Was Volmer the guy who used to sell brats and burgers outside of Velvet on the weekends? He had a little cart with music and sold food no matter what the weather was. After viewing his photo online he looks awfully familiar.


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