2014 Boat & Sportshow
The other day we attended the St. Louis Boat & Sportshow. The show was interesting because it included a very broad range of boats for most budgets.

As a city guy I’m not a lake kind of person. I have spent time on the Missouri River, but not since 1999. My employers in the late 90s had a 37ft Sea Ray with a kitchen, bathroom, and one bedroom below deck. Such luxury spoiled me for anything less but the twin engines sucked fuel like crazy, each few hour outing cost hundreds in fuel. These things cost more than an average house! The shows offers tips for green boating.

For me, boats are like pools — great if you can afford to buy and maintain. Better for me to know someone with a boat than to ever try to have one. Still, we found the boat show interesting, it continues today and tomorrow.
— Steve Patterson
I think that would be “head”, not “bathroom” . . . and two of my favorite descriptions of boating include “a boat is hole in the water that you pour money into” and “the two happiest days in a boat owner’s life are the day he buys a boat and the day he sells it.” And a corollary to loving boating is having a love of fishing, otherwise it’s hard to justify spending (wasting?) so much money on a depreciating asset, unless, of course, you have money to burn and a need to show off one’s wealth . . . .