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I Made the A-List

June 25, 2008 Media 15 Comments

The July 2008 issue of St Louis magazine is out on newsstands featuring “115 picks for the best in…” Well they have all the usual categories such as various best of areas in dining and shopping. This year the editors named me “Best Blogger.” They wrote:

No one but urban gadfly Steve Patterson could write 50-plus blog posts about the McDonald’s on Grand, much less make said posts so completely compelling that we’ve clicked through them for hours on end (in our spare time, of course). The real-estate guru of Urban Review STL has written volumes about everything from farmers’ markets to building permits, scooters to city politics, averaging 28 posts per month across his blog’s 56 categories — and scarcely slowing down to acknowledge his disabling stroke this February. Honestly, we’re in awe.

Thanks guys!

Since starting the blog on October 31st of 2004 I’ve posted over 1,500 posts. Some have been guest posts. The guest commentaries always bring a new perspective to the discussion. When I was in the hospital my friend, Architect Dustin Bopp, was able to keep the blog going with updates on my condition and to post a number of guest posts. Thanks to Dustin, Margie, Jim and others for your contributions.

The blog has reached a milestone of over 15,000 reader comments. That is a lot of discussion! I see my role as putting the topic out there and taking a position and then letting others share their thoughts.

So thank you to all the readers out there and thank you to St Louis magazine for the recognition of my work.

OK, a little house keeping. Regular readers have likely noticed the missing right sidebar. I was trying to add in a graphic for the very cool walkscore.com site and something went very wrong that caused the entire sidebar to disappear. Of course I had a backup of the sidebar code but the software is not accepting it. I’m getting a programmer on the job as soon as they become available.

Something has also happened to my anti-spam code word plug-in for comments. As a result I’m getting hit with lots of spam. To combat this I’ve set it up so that any comment that has a link in it will be held for moderation. The good news is that I’m now able to read & approve comments from my iPhone.

I’ve got some interesting posts planned for the coming weeks and months. As I resume the Master of Arts in Urban Planning and Real Estate Development program at SLU this Fall I’ll bring you some of what we are discussing and learning. I’ve got a stack of books to read & review and a growing list of additional books that I want for my library.

Now is an exciting time to study cities and to write about urbanity.

Update 6/27/2008 @ 12:15pm:

I made a big omission in my thanks yous above.  My friend, Seattle Architect Rich Kenney not only contributed blog material during my absence (and before) but he also flew to St Louis within days of me being hospitalized.  Although I was sedated so I don’t remember him being here.  The missing beer & wine from my fridge and his picture of me in ICU is enough proof.  We’ve been friends for twenty years now and will be for another 20.     Thanks Rich!


Currently there are "15 comments" on this Article:

  1. Daniel Raedeke says:

    Again with the “gadfly” title…

    Seriously, though, congrats. It’s been fun reading your frequent posts now that your back.

  2. theotherguy says:


    You are certainly better than we deserve. Your well thought, personal posts are a delight to read.

  3. James R. says:

    You’ve been on my A-list for years.

  4. Margie says:

    I like the “scarcely slowing down to acknowledge his disabling stroke” part. We who know you know just how hard you’ve been working to get back up to speed, but the beauty is you do make it look effortless!
    I too am in awe, Steve! You are most deserving of this honor. Keep up the inspiring and passionate work on behalf of all who love St. Louis.



  5. Dave Mastio says:

    Cool congrats. Most cities would be incredibly lucky to have someone as gifted as you writing about these mundane subjects that have such a big impact on everyday life.

  6. Dole says:

    Congratulations Steve! 15,000 posts is incredible. The city and region is better for having you.

  7. Dionna says:

    Congrats, Steve! We love that you care so much about St. Louis, and also kudos for expanding your commentary to the Illinois side on occasion.
    Keep up the great work!

  8. Dan Icolari says:

    A well deserved acknowledgement of your contribution to the vitality of the city. Congratulations.

  9. dude says:

    I always figured folks who got mentioned in those things had a little kickback to the publisher; free lunch, free alcohol…. So are you going to start pluging St. Louis Magazine now?

    [slp — LOL, I don’t even have a subscription!] 

  10. CWEGuy says:


    It is truly a well deserved honor. Keep up the great work.

  11. Jim Zavist says:

    Congratulations – it’s well-deserved. I’m most impressed by both the civil level of the discussion and the depth and the passion that both you and the posters bring.

  12. john w. says:

    Who made the ‘B’ list?

  13. oneshoepam says:

    Congratulations! Well deserved. You do so much for the city.
    Glad to hear you are continuing the Masters program.

  14. kcmonarch says:

    congrats steve! I love your site and particularly the unique eye and commentary that you bring to the table. StL is much better off having you there, one of its biggest (and sometimes harshest) cheerleaders. Here’s to another 15,000 comments!

  15. Bob Koogler says:


    This is a well-deserved honor! I read your blog (and St. Louis Magazine) all the time. Your posts are insightful, thought provoking and educational. We have never met, but through your writings I feel I somewhat know you.

    Best of luck in your recovery and keep blogging away. The city of St. Louis is fortunate to have you as a resident.



    [slp — Thank you very much!] 


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