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KDHX Appearance Tonight

June 19, 2006 Media 1 Comment

Tonight I will be a guest on KDHX’s Collateral Damage program hosted by DJ Wilson and Fred Hessel. We’ll be talking about various local issues including the McDonald’s on Grand due to the latest, and likely final, hearing coming up Wednesday afternoon. I’ll have more on that later today or tomorrow.

Tune into 88.1FM at 7pm or if you lack a radio but have a computer you can listen online. And it that were not enough choices, you can subscribe to the free podcast version. Simply open iTunes and paste this link in the “Subscribe to Podcast” menu item under advanced. If you don’t already have iTunes, it is also free and works on both Macs and Windows computers, click here to download. By subscribing to a podcast the software will automatically download the program as soon as it is available online, usually within 2 days. This is a nice way to go back and listen to a program at your leisure.

– Steve


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  1. travis reems says:

    I wish I had a Tivo on my radio, not only because I space while I’m driving (er, I mean focus on the road) and wish to hear what I just missed, but also so I can record things that I forget to listen to. Don’t go mentioning iTunes, Mac-boy!

    [REPLY Well, iTunes is free software for Windows as well as the Mac. But, if you are not inclined to have the best (as evidenced by the use of Windows) then you can go to KDHX’s website and get the MP3 file and listen using a different media player. – SLP]


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