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25th Ward Club Endorses Three Candidates for School Board

March 22, 2005 25th Ward 1 Comment

Tonight the 25th Ward Regular Democratic Club held its March meeting on a special night. The Club endorsed Veronica O’Brien, William (Bill) Purdy, and Peter Downs.

Nine members of the 25th Ward Club cast ballots as well as State Rep. Jeanette Mott Oxford and State Senator Maida Coleman. One of the eleven ballots cast was only for a single candidate while the other ten ballots were for three candidates. The results were as follows (in the order listed on the ballot):

Veronica O’Brien – 7
William (Bill) Purdy – 5
Frank W. Kriegel, Jr. – 3
Nancy Galvin – 1
Joe Moramarco – 1
Flint W. Fowler – 4
Joseph Keaveny – 3
Peter Downs – 7


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  1. Lonna Dawton says:

    It’s too bad that people don’t remember the first time Bill Purdy was elected along with his “block”, that he promised to be the voice for the teachers especially since he had been a principal for so long. Then when the time came to vote for something for the teachers like a pay raise, step increase, or increased benefits, he voted against what the teachers wanted and voted with “the good ole boys”. Some people have short memories.Even that half-baked union that backs down (or sells out) whenever the teachers really need them seems to have forgotten about Bill’s voting record.
    As a long time member of a very strong union, it pains me to watch the teachers not being guided in the right direction by their union when it comes to taking serious action. They need to finally show the Board of Education that the Board can’t treat their employees like uneducated paid slaves because they think the teachers have no backbone.This is because the union tells them to take the offer that’s on the table and not to vote for a work stoppage. Until the teachers stand up to the Board they’ll never be respected by them.


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