Tomorrow the Missouri Department of Transportation will be holding a pro-highway construction love fest in Columbia MO. The event, Our Interstates At 50: A Midlife Crisis Public Policy Forum, is predictably going to tell us why we need the road equivalent of a fancy new sports car, hair implants and young trophy spouse.
JEFFERSON CITY – Retired U.S. Gen. and NBC News Analyst Barry McCaffrey will join state and national transportation leaders in a discussion about the past, present and future of Missouri’s interstate system at a public policy forum scheduled for June 22 at the University of Missouri-Columbia. McCaffrey, a national infrastructure expert who also serves as HNTB Federal Services Chairman, will speak at 12:30 p.m.
The forum, sponsored by the Missouri Department of Transportation and the university’s Harry S Truman School of Public Affairs, is being held in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the nation’s interstates.
What is really telling is the list of panel sessions and who they’ve invited as panelists. Don’t look for any smart growth folks or someone from the Sierra Club!
The Impact of the Interstate Highway System; Moderator: Bob Priddy, Missourinet
Mary Ann Naber, Federal Highway Administration
Allen Masuda, Federal Highway Administration
Bill Ankner, Missouri Transportation Institute
Charlie Nemmers, UMC College of Engineering
The Interstates Today: Where We Are, Where We Need To Be; Moderator: Jerry Mugg, HNTB
Frank Moretti, TRIP (The Road Information Program)
Marty Romitti, Missouri Economic Research and Information Center, Department of Economic Development
Hal Kassoff, Parsons Brinckerhoff
The Future of the Interstate: Strategies for Success; Moderator: Kevin Keith, MoDOT
Mary Peters, HDR Incorporated
Shirley Ybarra, Ybarra Group
Bob Heitmann, Zachry American Infrastructure
Daniel L. Rust, Center for Transportation Studies, UMSL
Chris Gutierrez, Kansas City SmartPort
Look for them all to congratulate each other and to those prior generations for being so forward thinking. Then they will tell us we are facing a critical situation and need to invest billions more in our highway infrastructure. We bought it 50 years ago based on the Cold War and being able to evacuate the cities quickly in case of nuclear threat. Of course, we did evacuate our cities just over a period of several decades.
You can read the two-page press release here.
Speaking of billions on highway projects, have you heard about the new highway from Mexico to Canada????
A MASSIVE road four football fields wide and running from Mexico to Canada through the heartland of the United States is being proposed amid controversy over security and the damage to the environment.
The “nation’s most modern roadway”, proposed between Laredo in Texas and Duluth, Minnesota, along Interstate 35, would allow the US to bypass the west coast ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to import goods from China and the Far East into the heart of middle America via Mexico, saving both cost and time.
According to the article in the Scotsman, construction may start on the Texas portion as early as next year.
The Texas section, called the Trans-Texas Corridor, would create separate lanes for trucking as well as provide rail corridor for passenger & freight service. To me this smacks of road interests teaming up with the trucking industry to “invest” in our future. The entire necessary right of way exceeds 1,000ft. That is huge! Out in corn fields it is no big deal I suppose but as you approach urbanized areas, such as along I-35, you are going to cause major problems.
From the anti Trans-Texas Corridor site CorridorWatch:
The Corridor plan is designed to provide transportation funds, more than transportation. Rather than identify specific transportation needs and offer solutions, the Plan defines funding as the need and the Corridor as the solution. Accordingly it’s not important where the Corridor is built, as long as it generates revenue.
Likely a valid point. I think many big projects these days are designed around funding more so than actually need to solve a problem.
– Steve