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Temporarily Going From Four Posts Per Week To Infrequent Posts

March 29, 2020 Featured, Site Info, Steve Patterson No Comments
A 2012 photo of me on a MetroBus

When I first announced last Halloween that I had stage 4 kidney cancer I said I hoped to continue blogging — keeping up my four posts per week schedule  November though February was manageable.

March 2020 has been difficult. My last treatment was March 2nd. Since then my appetite has dropped off a cliff. Eating less, I haven’t my usual energy.  I’m not walking around our apartment as much, I’m sitting more and napping more.

Despite standing up when my Apple Watch tells me every hour I’ve developed couch sores on my rear end. This encourages me to spend more time in bed.

My day naps got longer and longer, throwing off my sleep schedule at night. Not being active has brought back the muscle spasms in my left limbs — a result of my 2008 stroke.

Of course the 24/7 news about Covid-19 has only made my light sleep even worse. No, I don’t have Coronavirus. I’ve been taking my temperature daily for the last week —- all normal.

I’ve made a change that’ll get me to eat more, giving me more energy. My next treatment is tomorrow, so hopefully the fatigue won’t be as bad as the last.

Until I can return to 4 posts a week you’ll just have to make due. Please check on social media, especially Facebook. Note: this post was written entirely on my back in bed, my right arm is tired of holding my iPhone.

— Steve Patterson


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