Sunday Poll: Is Slicing Bagels Like Bread Wrong?

This isn’t the first Sunday Poll about food; prior polls have been about burritos as sandwiches, St Louis-style pizza, food carts/trucks, etc.
Last week the slicing of bagels became part of the national conversation:
On Monday, a man from St. Louis tweeted a picture of some bagels, and the internet hasn’t been the same since.
The bagels in the photo were cut in what has been described as St. Louis “bread sliced” style: in little strips, like a loaf of bread. Bagel-lovers from across the country have been passionately chiming in to share their opinion of this concept on Twitter.
While some have reacted with horror and outrage, others have shared the benefits of slicing your bagels in this manner. The tweet has since gone viral—with over 8,000 comments, 3,000 retweets and 22,000 likes—and the debate has been labeled #Bagelgate. (People)
With that introduction I give you today’s poll:
This will close at 8pm tonight, Wednesday I’ll have the results along with thoughts on the topic
— Steve Patterson