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Cordish & Cardinals Correcting ADA Mistakes At Ballpark Village

January 23, 2014 Accessibility, Downtown, Featured, Walkability 7 Comments

Last September I wrote how Cordish & Cardinals Failed To Plan for Pedestrians at Ballpark Village. I had immediately informed city officials after I spotted some violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act in July, they were unaware of the issues until I pointed them out.

In July I noticed the perimeter of BPV wasn't ADA-compliant. The single  ramp is point sorta across Walnut, no ramp for crossing Broadway. This needs a "blended corner" due to high volumes of pedestrians on game days, click image for explanation of a blended corner (PDF).
In July 2013 I noticed the perimeter of BPV wasn’t ADA-compliant. The single ramp is pointed sorta across Walnut, no ramp for crossing Broadway. This needs a “blended corner” due to high volumes of pedestrians on game days

On January 19th I noticed this corner looks a bit different:

The entire corner was busted out so it could be redone
The entire corner was busted out so it could be redone, hopefully correctly this time.

I’m not sure who screwed up originally but the fixes aren’t cheap. This is just another example of pedestrian work done poorly/incorrectly in St. Louis, with almost no oversight.

Eventually I hope the owners, contractors, architects, and engineers on these projects will learn how to do things right, or at least hire someone that does, to make sure they’ve got it right before the concrete is poured.

— Steve Patterson


Currently there are "7 comments" on this Article:

  1. Chelsea says:

    Would you ever consider yourself for hire to review these on drawings?

  2. Matt Fernandez says:

    Are you sure this isn’t MODOT fixing it? Work related to the “Park Over the Highway” extends up Walnut to Broadway with what appears to be bulb outs and new signals so Walnut between Memorial and Broadway can be two-way.

  3. Mike says:

    Steve, you should get into the ADA consulting business. You could make a mint.


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