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Scooters Vs. Minis on 9th Street, October 2006

October 25, 2007 Downtown, Events/Meetings, Scooters 8 Comments

A year ago I took some video from a fun event held last October by Espresso Mod on 9th Street —- a scooter vs. mini contest.  I thought I’d use this video to test out some new video editing software (Apple’s iMovie ’08).  Enjoy:



Currently there are "8 comments" on this Article:

  1. LisaS says:

    Putting “All the Lonely People” in the background of this makes me wonder: why is it that we see motorcyclists in groups all the time but rarely packs of people on scooters?

    And Steve …. the way you shot this makes it evident that you’re not over your lust for motor vehicles. You’ve just transferred it to the small two-wheeled variety ….

    [SLP — The Beatle’s “All the Lonely People” was what happened to be playing in the background from the loudspeakers.  It could have just as easily been “Yellow Submarine” or something else English.  There are scooter ‘gangs’ in town that ride together but for the most part it is about transportation — at least for me. 

    I love beautiful things — motorized or not.  Get me at a bicycle show and I lust after all the beautiful gears, frames and other aspects of bicycle design.]

  2. Aaron says:

    the song’s actually called eleanor rigby…
    this is so cool!

  3. Reginald Pennypacker III says:

    Did a dork actually paint flames on a scooter? What a bad ass!

  4. Dave says:

    Be careful of the RIAA. If they know you’ve created the movie that contains trademarked music by the Beatles, you’re in danger of a lawsuit!

  5. Frank says:

    Speaking of appreciation of bicycles, do you ever ride one for transportation? You’ve mentioned quite a few times in your blog that the scooter is a great means of transportation and that it forces you to localize your commuting and buying patterns. Not to be an anal retentive, hair splitting dork, but bikes are even better for the environment and you get a bit of exercise out of the whole deal.

    [SLP — Very good question.  At one time (and many waist sizes ago) I used to bike quite a bit.  I bike commuted to work (a 9-5 desk job w/shower) 3-days per week for about a year as well as doing quite a bit of recreational riding.  I sold my expensive custom road bike last year.  I’m down to five bicycles now.  Three more will be going soon — some vintage bikes that I don’t ride or that are not in working condition.  This will leave me with two really good bikes — a hybrid set up for urban cycling with fenders and rack.  The other bike is also for urban cycling — a single speed European bicycle. 

    The problem with cycling right now is that I often scooter 25-40 miles per day — running all over the city and a bit into the county.  I could never get all the places I do on a bicycle.  However, in two weeks I will be living in a new ward closer to many of my daily activities so I hope to leave the scooter behind and use my bicycle more often.  I’ll have more details once the move is complete.  Here is a teaser — I’ll let you know who the alderwoman is as part of that post.]

  6. Amanda says:

    Are they doing this event again this year? I drive a MINI and my husband and I have a Vespa so this would be a great event for both of us. We have tons of fun at the MINI rallyes with the STL MINI Club, but a scooter rallye/club would be great.

  7. Scooterjo says:

    I hope Espresso Mod does the scooters vs minis thing again. Too bad they didn’t do it this year. I had so much fun

    Even though a scooter uses gas, it is still far more efficient than a car. Many scoots get 65 miles per gallon of gas. Let’s get Americans on a scooter and then maybe they will graduate to using a bike for closer in errands.

  8. Myke w/ a Y says:

    They didn’t do one in ’07? I’m sad! I was unhappy I missed the one on ’06. I propose the local scooter scene goes and talks ’em into it again….


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