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Urban Review Endorses Downs & Jones

March 15, 2006 Education 4 Comments

Mayor Slay is endorsing two current St. Louis School Board members for re-election; Darnetta Clinkscale & James Buford. Therefore, I am endorsing school watchdog Peter Downs and Donna Jones, both parents of children attending St. Louis Public Schools.

Actually, it is not quite as simple as favoring those candidates challenging those which the mayor endorses. I truly believe Peter Downs is one of the most knowledgeable citizens when it comes to education. I like what he has to say, specifically how he ties education together with economic development and strengthening our neighborhoods. Downs and Donna Jones are seen as having a similar platform of creating a quality school system by being inclusive of all perspectives.

Frankly I don’t trust the mayor or his favored candidates. Razing the Century Building was supposedly done in the best interests of downtown and the city but we all know that was not the case. I just don’t trust the motives of Slay, Clinkscale or Buford.

The election is Tuesday, April 4, 2006. Please support Peter Downs & Donna Jones.

– Steve






