Tree Recycling at Three City Parks
With the cold weather I haven’t gotten out much so I was struggling to think of something positive to post about today, Good News Friday (#GNF). Looking through my pics there it was: recycling of old Xmas trees into mulch continues!
Still have an xmas tree you need to get rid of? If so, take it to one of three city parks: O’Fallon, Carondelet, or Forest Park.

If you have a tree to drop off for recycling you might be wondering how much longer you can procrastinate. Well, I’m not sure. The website, retrieved yesterday, says through the 3rd week of January but it also says through January 10, 2014.

In the Spring there’s nothing like the smell of a hot pile of clean xmas tree mulch! Have a great weekend, see you Sunday with a new poll question.
— Steve Patterson