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The folded paper map displaced by online map services

March 7, 2010 Travel 3 Comments

I love old city maps, they can be so informative:

ABOVE: 1950s St. Louis map where I had marked Ballpark Village

But when it comes to mapping out my route in the present no printed map will do, I love online maps.  I used to buy a laminated map when visiting other cities, with maps on my phone those are no longer necessary for me.

The poll this week asks which online map service you use most often.  In the comments below share your thoughts on the passing of the folded map.

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "3 comments" on this Article:

  1. Lissa says:

    Interesting to see the rail line that became the metrolink and the one that you can see downhill from the arch. The rest of the rails must have been pulled up and sold for scrap. 1950 was not that long ago but so much has been lost.

  2. darondierkes says:

    Automobile Parking on the memorial.

    What is Jefferson Memorial Highway now? Is that the sunken section of I-70?

  3. linsey says:

    I still always buy a folded map of cities I am visiting. I need to see where things are in relation to each other, I need that big picture and my iPhone screen is jut not big enough. I still use the road atlas to plan routes on road trips as well. I love my GPS, but it can't know what mountain pases I don't mind driving or what cities I want to avoid. On the other hand, I haven't looks at my st. louis map in years.


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