A nice surprise on the east bank of the Mississippi River
One task facing the selected teams in The City * The Arch * The River Competition to incorporate the Illinois side of the Mississippi River into their solutions. Last month I took my wheelchair across the Eads Bridge to check out the situation.

I was pleasantly surprised by the number of pedestrians crossing the river on foot. Granted, it was a very nice afternoon.
From the bridge you can see the casino and the grain elevator on the east bank of the river.
Up close the industrial nature of the working facility is pleasing but just as you pass the view changes dramatically.
You come upon the Malcolm W. Martin Memorial Park. The park contains two elements that can be seen from Missouri. First is the overlook:

The other feature is the geyser. Four times per day the geyser shoots water into the air, provided it is not too windy.

I suggest visiting the Malcolm W. Martin Memorial Park on the next nice day we have. I hope the design teams come up with a good way to get from the Eads Bridge to the park.
– Steve Patterson